NEAT Working Group on
NEAT: The Next Ten Years
Final Report
Beijing, China
6 July 2012
NEAT Working Group Meeting on “NEAT: the Next Ten Years” was held in Beijing, China on 6 July 2012. Experts from 11 ASEAN Plus Three countries took part in the Meeting. Brunei and Myanmar were absent. The Meeting consists of an opening session, three presentation-and-discussion sessions, and a wrap-up session. The topics for discussion include:
1. a review of development;
2. achievements and outstanding issues; and
3. future direction.
The discussions were candid and fruitful and many specific and feasible proposals were made. Participants unanimously agreed that NEAT has been a success story, that NEAT should develop strategic thinking on its own development, and that NEAT should build on its good practices to play a greater role in East Asian community building.
For the full text of the report, click here.